This is an amazing shot from what seems like an unlikely position. > 스쿼시 스킬스

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This is an amazing shot from what seems like an unlikely position.

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작성자 우드노트 작성일23-02-28 09:42 조회138회 댓글0건


This is an amazing shot from what seems like an unlikely position.

The key elements that allow Mo to play this so well are his spacing and wrist position. Note how he keeps his distance from the ball which means he can get to a locked out position (shoulder, elbow, wrist all in line) at impact giving him room to hit around the outside of the ball and cut the ball crosscourt. If he was too close to the ball he simply wouldn’t be able to use the strings in the same way.

The second factor is his wrist position, it’s cocked which allow this to get around the outside of the ball and put spin on the shot.

To learn more check out Jethro Binns' playlist "Mastering Backhand Technique Coaching Session":

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